Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is America250 and America250AL?

America250 is a nationwide initiative commemorating the 250th anniversary of the United States, which will be celebrated in 2026. It aims to honor America’s history, culture, and achievements while engaging citizens in a nationwide celebration of the nation’s past, present, and future.

America250AL is the state’s local initiative to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the United States, celebrating Alabama’s unique contributions to American history and culture. The project is part of the larger America250 and focuses on engaging Alabamians in state-specific events, educational programs, and community activities.

2. When is the 250th anniversary of the United States?

The 250th anniversary, or the semiquincentennial, will be observed on July 4, 2026. America250 will include events and activities leading up to and following this date.

3. What are the main goals of America250?

• Celebrate American history and heritage.
• Promote civic engagement and education.
• Highlight diverse contributions to the nation’s story.
• Foster community involvement and unity.
• Inspire future generations through reflection on past achievements and challenges.

4. What are the main goals of America250AL?

• Enrich the awareness and understanding of the principles of our Declaration of Independence, how we achieved independence in the American Revolutionary War, and how we established our system of constitutional self-government.

• Promote semiquincentennial events and celebrations that will enhance historic and civic knowledge and practice, thereby advancing the cause of liberty and American self-government.
• Educate students and the public to increase knowledge and appreciation of the breadth of American history and the centuries long quest for “liberty and justice for all”.  Share the stories and contributions of all the people who have inhabited our Alabama land.
• Emphasize the service and sacrifices of veterans of all generations who have secured and preserved American independence and freedom and encourage Alabamians to honor them through our State’s Veterans’ Register of Honor.

5. Who is leading America250?

America250 is coordinated by the America250 Foundation, a non-profit working with federal, state, and local government entities, private sector partners, historical organizations, and community groups.

6. Who is leading America250AL?

America250AL is led by a 9-member commission comprised of leaders from throughout Alabama. Alabama Governor Kay Ivey is the honorary chair of the commission.

7. What kinds of events and activities will be part of the America250 celebrations?

The celebrations will include:
• National and local events, including parades, concerts, and festivals.
• Historical reenactments and educational programs and exhibitions at museums and historical sites.
• Educational curriculum in schools throughout the nation.
• Community service projects and public forums.
• Special publications, media features, and digital content.
• Commemorative artifacts and public art installations.
• Art exhibitions, performances, and cultural showcases.

8. How can I get involved with America250 and America250AL?

You can get involved by:
• Participating in local events and activities.
• Volunteering with America250-related projects in your community.
• Attending educational programs and exhibitions.
• Following updates on social media and the official websites.
• Sharing your own stories about “what it means to be an American”.

9. Are there any official resources or websites for America250 and America250AL?

Yes, the official website for America250 is It provides information about events, resources, and ways to get involved. You can also follow the project on social media platforms for updates and news. The official website for America250AL is It provides semiquincentennial information specific to Alabama.

10. Will there be any special commemorative items or memorabilia?

Yes, there will be a range of commemorative items, including limited-edition memorabilia, historical publications, and educational materials. Details about these items will be available on the America250AL official website and through partner organizations.

11. What is the significance of the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence?

The 250th anniversary, or semi quincentennial, marks a significant milestone in American history. It represents 250 years since the Declaration of Independence was adopted in 1776, symbolizing the nation’s founding ideals of democracy, liberty, and justice. The anniversary provides an opportunity to reflect on the nation’s journey, celebrate its achievements, and address ongoing challenges.

12. How will America250 address the diverse experiences and histories within the United States?

America250 aims to include a wide range of voices and perspectives to reflect the diverse experiences of all Americans. This will be achieved through inclusive programming, partnerships with various cultural and historical organizations, and a focus on representing different communities and their contributions to the nation’s history.

13. How can organizations and businesses support America250 and America250AL?

Organizations and businesses can support the project by:
• Becoming official partners or sponsors.
• Participating in or hosting events.
• Contributing resources, expertise, or funding.
• Promoting the commemoration through their networks.

14. How can schools and educational institutions participate in America250AL?

Schools and educational institutions can get involved by:                 
• Integrating America250 themes into their curriculum and lesson plans (downloadable resources are available at and
• Organizing student projects, essays, and presentations related to American history.
• Hosting or participating in educational events, workshops, and exhibitions.
• Partnering with local museums and historical societies for field trips and special programs.

15. Will there be any virtual or digital components to the America250 celebrations?

Yes, America250 will include a variety of virtual and digital components, such as:
• Online exhibitions and interactive experiences.
• Virtual events, webinars, and live streams of key celebrations.
• Social media campaigns and digital storytelling.
• Educational resources and activities accessible online.
These components aim to reach a broader audience and ensure participation from those who may not be able to attend in-person events.

16. How is America250 ensuring representation of all communities?

America250 and America250AL are committed to inclusive representation by:
• Collaborating with diverse community leaders, cultural organizations, and historical experts.
• Highlighting underrepresented voices and stories in programming and events.
• Creating platforms for dialogue and discussion on a wide range of historical and contemporary issues.
• Ensuring accessibility and inclusivity in all project activities and materials.

17. What impact does America250 hope to have on future generations?

America250 aims to:
• Inspire a deeper understanding and appreciation of American history and values.
• Foster a sense of national pride and unity through shared experiences.
• Encourage ongoing civic engagement and participation in democratic processes.
• Provide educational resources that will benefit students and educators for years to come.

18. Are there any specific themes or historical events that America250AL will focus on?

The project will cover a broad range of themes and historical events, including but not limited to:
• The founding and early years of the United States.
• Key moments and figures in the founding era of American history.
• Contributions of diverse communities and individuals.
• The evolution of American values and democracy.
Specific themes and focal points will be highlighted in different events and programs throughout the project.

19. How can I stay updated on the latest news and developments related to America250 and America250AL?

To stay updated, you can:
• Visit the official websites at and regularly.
• Sign up for newsletters and email updates from America250 and America250AL.
• Follow us on social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
• Engage with local community organizations and partners involved in America250 activities.

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