Made in Alabama Brand Partner
Help Alabama Celebrate America’s 250th Birthday — Become a Brand Partner!
In 2026, the United States of America will commemorate the 250th Anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence – America’s 250th Birthday — and America 250 Alabama wants your company to be a partner in Alabama’s celebration of this once-in-a-lifetime event.
We invite you to become a Made in Alabama Brand Partner. Through this partnership, you and your company can participate in the celebration of America’s semiquincentennial (250th) by branding one or more of your products distributed in Alabama with the official America250AL logo. In return, America250 Alabama will highlight your company and product(s) on the website and in social media.
America 250 Alabama (A250AL) is already partnering with state and local government, academia, the business community, historic and destination attractions, and diverse communities to drive research, build content, develop programming and events, and enhance historical assets throughout our state.
The vision of A250AL is for Alabamians to understand the importance of their role as active and responsible citizens united in their dedication to the founding principles of our nation, and the pursuit of a more perfect Union. Our mission is to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the United States’ Declaration of Independence by supporting and promoting a multitude of programs and events that educate, engage, and unite Alabamians around the Nation’s founding principles.
Guidelines of the A250AL Partnerships Program
Partners will benefit from a host of opportunities, including expertise, promotion, resources, and co-branding. They will have access to the A250AL Partner Logo and other brand elements, signifying their official participation in, and support of, Alabama’s commemoration. Once approved, there is no fee to participate.
The Value of the A250AL Brand
The A250AL Logo is an earned designation that signifies official participation in Alabama’s commemoration of the 250th Anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
The commemoration is an opportunity to bring together people from all walks of life, to explore America’s revolutionary history, and Alabama’s role in it. Hence our goal is to commemorate the 250th in a way that resonates with the tapestry that makes up our nation.
The Benefits of Being an A250AL Partner
• Official endorsement by A250AL.
• Use of brand elements, including a logo and certificate that indicates official participation.
• Visibility of the A250AL brand to local, regional, statewide, and national and international audiences.
• Connecting your audiences to your sites, events, content, and programming.
• Participation in cooperative advertising and marketing opportunities led by A250AL, including a product listing on the A250AL website (
• New revenue streams from A250AL merchandise.
Who Can Become an A250AL Brand Partner
• Companies based in Alabama or who produce a product or products distributed in Alabama, who have applied and been approved.
How You Can Use the A250AL Brand
• On your product packaging.
• On your Website and Social Media Pages.
• In your product marketing.
• On your own product or company merchandising as “An Official A250AL Product.”
• A window decal designating your business as an America250Alabama Brand Partner will be supplied at no cost.
• A counter sign designating your business as an America250Alabama Brand Partner will be supplied at no cost.
• Additional signage:
- Exterior Signage – The production of co-branded signage that uses the official A250AL mark is the responsibility of the approved partner. The Graphic Standards must be followed to maintain the integrity and consistency of the mark.
- Additional window decals and counter signs may be ordered at the Brand Partner’s expense.
Merchandise Sales
• There will be a collection of official A250AL merchandise that may be purchased for personal use or for resale.
How to Become an A250AL Brand Partner
Submit an application online here:
Any business approved to be an A250AL Brand Partner shall use the A250AL logo (following partner logo guidelines) in conjunction with any A250AL-branded products, and actively promote A250AL initiatives when possible.
We look forward to having you and your company as partners in the America250 Alabama initiative, and in celebrating America’s 250th Birthday!