Two Lights for Tomorrow

APRIL 18-19, 2025 • A CALL TO ACTION!

How to Participate

On April 18, 2025, we’re calling for two lights to be displayed in every statehouse across the country as a reminder that that message of light shining out in the darkness is not just something that mattered back then – it’s something that matters today and for tomorrow.

Some commissions are planning a public program for the lighting. This is an opportunity to not only raise public awareness of the upcoming semiquincentenial, but to set the message we want the public to understand about how we’ll mark the commemorations: It’s not about history just for history’s sake; it’s about reminding people what it was all for in the first place and how we’re called to continue creating that “more perfect union” each and every day, together. Two Lights For Tomorrow is an opportunity to engage our key commission stakeholders by utilizing the program to not only engage the public with a ceremony, performance, or brief remarks, but to provide media coverage illustrating their engagement with the commissions. This is especially useful for commissions that are part of government agencies – this is a good chance to provide legislators and administrators with an opportunity to encourage bridging political divides and showing the people and the media that we can indeed come together for a common cause.

Some states will follow Two Lights For Tomorrow with a day of service on April 19th, with projects ranging from park and cemetery clean-ups, Habitat for Humanity builds, food drives, and card writing to residents of care facilities.

Download the flyer here.

Watch a brief video about Paul Revere’s Ride.

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